In Memory of

Tom Schwieger (Schwieger)

Tom Schwieger (Schwieger)

Unfortunately we have lost another classmate.  Tom Schwieger.  I do not have the details or the obit at this time and would appreciate any help.  Please email me what you may have.....thx.

I knew that Thom was not in good health as I heard this from Jeff McFarland who passed away last year before his passing. Jeff and Thom remained very close friends and respected each other tremendously. If anyone can get his obituary please forward it to me. Thank you


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11/01/22 07:20 AM #1    

Larry Weaver (Weaver)

As with all of our classmates I am deeply saddened by Tom's passing. Tom and I were last two original starting guards on the 1971 Central Football Team. Tom was wicked smart. He was in my Chemistry class and missed one question on a hundred and fifty question test. He argued with our Teacher about his answer. Tom ended up being right. We later both cooked the at the Red Onion. Through Messanger Tom and I recently communicated regularly. My Deepest Sympathy to his family and may he Rest in Peace. 

11/01/22 01:18 PM #2    

Peter S. Lepse

I am saddened by the news that Tom has passed.  He was extremely smart and fiercely independent, both qualities leading to many friends. He had a long and successsful career in construction management, with his final project being rebuilding the pentagon after 9/11.  I was in contact with him before and after our recent 50th reunion, and knew that his health was poor, but am still surprised and sobered by his death.  My prayers go out to his wife Rachel and his 2 sons at this difficult time.  May he rest in peace.

11/01/22 06:36 PM #3    

Michael Floyd (Floyd)

Was very saddened to hear of Tom passing.. He was my partner in Chemistry thank goodness.. I would never would have pass that class without all his help.. Prayers to his Family.

11/02/22 10:50 AM #4    

Richard S. Dobrofsky

I am deeply saddened by this news. I knew Tom through all of our mutual math (Mona-men!) and science classes. He was always the smartest, wittiest guy in the class with such a winning personality.  In recent years it was a joy reconnecting with Tom via Facebook & Messenger.  We shared a mutual interest in Sioux City history & retail establishments & all things Sioux City. He was still by far the smartest, most interesting guy around. I knew he had been ill but he never let on to what degree.  I'm going to really miss his online presence.  My deepest condolences to Tom's family & all who knew Tom. 

11/02/22 11:45 AM #5    

Michael Shapiro

Tom was, indeed, one of the smartest and funniest kids around. We spent time together, mostly Saturdays running around, getting in trouble. One year, when we were taking one of those alphabet tests - NMSQT, PSAT, ITED - Tom made chriistmas tree patterns instead of filling in the answers through the whole test.

I'm sorry to hear of his passing.

11/03/22 07:32 AM #6    

Mark Hanna

Tom will be missed by all those that knew him.
He was extremely intelligent as most of us knew him from our Class. I remember him and Sherry Wagner together an thought that was a match made in Heaven! 
Also my remembering him at football practice and his athletic abilities, that were also as complete as his academia. Rest in peace Mr Schwieger and Bless all your family! 

11/04/22 11:44 AM #7    

Mary E Cooper

I am so sad to hear this.  Tom was one, great guy!  May he rest in peace.  Condolences to his family.

07/16/24 11:59 AM #8    

Scott E McGinty

I only remember being in one class with Tom (Jr. High English) and yes, quite smart.  We learned sentence diagramming.  He rarely was wrong.  We lost a good guy!  He is quoted in this article about the 9-11 Pentagon reconstruction.

07/17/24 09:26 AM #9    

Larry A Pederson

Just seeing this and can't believe how many we have lost . Let put a hold on this activity.

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